Payment Step

Payment Step

Payment step will be returned under paymentStatusInfo of Payment API response and also Inquiry API. It can also checked on Admin Portal under Transaction List/Details screens.

Payment StatusPayment StepPayment Step Description
PCPS: Pre-stageGPGather Payment Details
PCPS: Pre-stageSSSystem Start
I: InitialAXACS Session Timeout
I: InitialACRedirect ACS
I: InitialCPCheck Pass
I: InitialFPFraud Pass
I: InitialIPInitial Payment
I: InitialEGEP Generate
I: InitialVPVbV Pass
C: CancelledABPayment Abandoned
C: CancelledPCPayment Cancelled
E: ExpiredPEPayment Expired
V: VoidedVDVoid
P: Pending PaymentPPPending Payment
A: ApprovedTSTicket Settle
A: ApprovedPAPayment approved
A: ApprovedTATicket Issue ACK
A: ApprovedTITicket Investigating
S: SettledSTSettled
R: RefundedRP3Refund Pending for Bank Approval
R: RefundedRFRefunded
R: RefundedRRRefund Rejected
R: RefundedRP2Refund Pending for Third-party Review
R: RefundedRPRefund Pending for reviewed
R: RefundedRERefund Expired on Approval
F: RejectedVFVbV Fail
F: RejectedAMMerchant Session Expired
F: RejectedCRCorporate BIN Reject
F: RejectedPRPayment rejected
F: RejectedPTPayment Timeout
F: RejectedFFFraud Fail
F: RejectedRJRejected
F: RejectedSESystem Error