Authentication Request (Lookup)
To trigger 3DS authentication request. This API will return challenge or frictionless result.
• Please refer to the step number 5 in the above diagram.
• Please refer to the Appendix B for the 3DSS API authentication.
Required data in this request:
Browser Request Fields format and description
Field Name | Data type | Format | Example | Description | Requirement |
Authorization | String | Bearer xxxx | Required | ||
Content-Type | String | application/json | Required |
Field Name | Data type | Format | Example | Description | Requirement |
externalReferenceId |
String |
50 digits |
Unique Id for this authentication transaction (MerchantReferenceNumber) |
Required |
ddcId |
String |
50 digits |
Same value in DDC request |
Required |
threeDsRequestorAuthInd |
String |
2 digits |
PaymentTransaction = "01" RecurringTransaction = "02" InstalmentTransaction = "03" AddCard = "04" MaintainCard = "05" CardholderVerification = "06" |
Indicates the type of Authentication request |
Required |
session |
String |
1024 chars |
3DS Requestor session data that is returned by the ACS in the final CRes |
Optional |
browserInfo |
Object |
table "Browser" |
See Browser Fields format and description |
Information about cardholder browser |
Required |
notificationUrl |
String |
Uri |
Url where will send final CRes at end of challenge. If null, 3DS Server will receive final CRes |
Optional |
challengeWindowSize |
Int |
1 digit |
250 X 400 =1, |
Dimensions of the challenge window that has been displayed to the Cardholder, in pixels |
Optional Default = 3 |
acquirerCode |
String |
max 15 chars |
Code of Acquirer - |
Required |
acquirerBIN |
Override the acquiring institution identification code (the Acquirer BIN) that is currently configured in the 2C2P profile. |
Required |
merchantCode |
String |
max 35 chars |
Override the Acquirer Merchant identifier configured in the Merchant's profile. Same as the merchantId. |
Required |
deviceChannel |
Int |
1 digit |
2 |
Device Channel, valid value follows: |
Required |
messageCategory |
String |
2 digits |
"01" |
"01" - Payment |
Required |
threeDsRequestorChallengeInd |
Int |
1 digit |
NoPreference = 1, NoChallengeRequested = 2, ChallengeRequested = 3, ChallengeRequired = 4 No challenge requested (strong consumer authentication is already performed) = 7 |
Indicates whether a challenge is requested for this transaction |
Optional |
messageVersion |
String |
8 digits |
Values active: |
Protocol version identifier This shall be the Protocol Version Number of the specification utilized by the system creating this message. |
Optional |
requestFeatures |
integer |
Values accepted: |
Indicates whether the 3DS Requestor requests the ACS to utilize Visa DAF, Decoupled Authentication, Merchants WhiteList. (for 2.2.0 protocol) "0" - No Features - Enable only this feature - 0(0000), "1" - DAF Feature - Enable only this feature - 1(0001), "2" - Merchant WhiteList - Enable only this feature - 2(0010), "3" - Decouple Authentication - Enable only this feature - 4(0100) |
Optional |
threeDsRequestorDecMaxTime |
integer |
5 digits |
Values accepted: |
Indicates the maximum amount of time that the 3DS Requestor will wait for an ACS to provide the results of a Decoupled Authentication transaction (in minutes). |
Optional |
threeDsRequestorAuthenticationInfo |
Object |
table "3DS Requestor Authentication Information" |
See 3DS Requestor Authentication Information Fields format and description |
Require if threeDsRequestorChallengeInd = 7 |
card |
Object |
table "Card" |
See Card Fields format and description |
Required |
merchantName |
String |
maximum 50 chars |
This is 3DS Requestor merchant name which will be displayed on OTP Challenge page to customer |
Optional |
purchase |
Object |
table "Purchase" |
See Purchase Fields format and description |
Purchase information. |
Required if messageCategory is "01" |
recurring |
Object |
table "Recurring" |
See Recurring Fields format and description |
Recurring information. |
Optional |
instalmentData |
Int |
Indicates the maximum number of authorizations permitted for instalment payments. |
Required, if "threeDsRequestorAuthInd " is "03" |
requestor |
Object |
table "Requestor" |
See Requestor Fields format and description |
Information about initiator of 3DS flow |
Optional. |
billingAddress |
Object |
table "Address" |
See Address Fields format and description |
Information about billing address of cardholder |
Optional. Some ACS may require it. |
shippingAddress |
Object |
table "Address" |
See Address Fields format and description |
Information about shipping address of cardholder |
Optional. Some ACS may require it. |
String |
maximum 254 characters |
Cardholder email |
Optional. Some ACS may require it. |
homePhone |
Object |
table "Phone" |
See Phone Fields format and description |
Cardholder home phone number |
Optional. Some ACS may require it. |
mobilePhone |
Object |
table "Phone" |
See Phone Fields format and description |
Cardholder mobile phone number |
Optional. Some ACS may require it. |
workPhone |
Object |
table "Phone" |
See Phone Fields format and description |
Cardholder work phone number |
Optional. Some ACS may require it. |
accountInfo |
Object |
table "AccountInfo" |
See AccountInfo Fields format and description |
Information about the Cardholder’s account provided by the 3DS Requestor |
Optional |
additionalAccountInfo |
Object |
table "AdditionalInfo" |
See AdditionalInfo Fields format and description |
Additional information about the Cardholder’s account provided by the 3DS Requestor |
Optional |
merchantRiskInfo |
Object |
table "MerchantRiskIndicator" |
See MerchantRiskIndicator Fields format and description |
Merchant’s assessment of the level of fraud risk for the specific authentication |
Optional |
Browser Fields format and description
Field Name | Data Type | Format | Example | Description | Requirement |
acceptHeader |
String |
max 2048 chars |
"image/webp,image/apng,image/,/*;q=0.8" |
Exact content of the HTTP accepts headers as sent to the 3DS Requestor from the Cardholder’s |
Required |
ip |
String |
max 45 chars |
"" |
IP address of the cardholder browser. |
Optional |
javascriptEnabled |
Bool |
true/false |
true |
Value is returned from the navigator.javascriptEnabled property |
Required |
javaEnabled |
Bool |
true/false |
true |
Value is returned from the navigator.javaEnabled property |
Required |
language |
String |
1-8 chars |
"en-GB" |
Value is returned from the navigator.language property |
Required |
colorDepth |
String |
1-2 chars |
"24" |
Value is returned from the screen.colorDepth property |
Required |
screenHeight |
String |
1-6 chars |
"782" |
Value is returned from the screen.height property |
Required |
screenWidth |
String |
1-6 chars |
"1452" |
Value is returned from the screen.width property |
Required |
timeZone |
String |
1-5 chars |
"-420" |
Value is returned from the "new Date().getTimezoneOffset()" method |
Required |
userAgent |
String |
max 2048 chars |
"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) |
Exact content of the HTTP user-agent header |
Required |
3DS Requestor Authentication Information Fields format and description
Field Name | Data Type | Format | Description | Requirement |
authenticationData |
string |
JSON (maximum 20,000 characters) |
Data that documents and supports a specific authentication process. • 03, then this element can carry information about the provider of the federated ID and related information. |
Required |
authenticationTimestamp |
string |
YYYYMMDDHHMM (12 characters) |
Date and time in UTC of the customer authentication |
Required |
Card Fields format and description
Field Name | Data Type | Format | Description | Requirement |
expiryDate |
string |
Expiry Date of the PAN or token supplied to the 3DS Requestor by the Cardholder |
Optional |
cardNumber |
string |
13–19 chars |
Account number that will be used in the authorization request for payment transactions. |
Required |
cardholderName |
string |
2-45 chars |
Name of the Cardholder |
Optional |
Requestor Fields format and description
Field Name | Data Type | Format | Description | Requirement |
id | string | max 35 chars | DS assigned 3DS Requestor identifierRequestor identifier | Required |
name | string | max 40 chars | DS assigned 3DS Requestor Name | Required |
url | string | max 2048 chars | Fully qualified URL of 3DS Requestor website or customer care site | Required |
cardholderAccountId | string | max 64 chars | Additional account id of cardholder in requestor environment | Optional |
Address Fields format and description
Field Name | Data Type | Format | Example | Description | Requirement |
countryCode | string | ISO 3166-13 chars | "THA" | numeric three letter country code | Required |
city | string | max 50 chars | "Bangkok" | name of city | Optional |
postCode | string | max 16 chars | "10310" | ZIP or other postal code | Optional |
line1 | string | max 50 chars | "Ratchadapisek" | street address of cardholder | Optional |
line2 | string | max 50 chars | "12/124 New Condo" | street address of cardholder | Optional |
line3 | string | max 50 chars | street address of cardholder | Optional | |
state | string | ISO 3166-2 max 3 chars | "10" | The state or province of cardholder | Optional |
Purchase Fields format and description
Field Name | Data Type | Format | Example | Description | Requirement |
date |
string |
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
"2020-06-08 22:11:44" |
UTC datetime of purchase |
Required |
instalData |
int |
Example values accepted: |
Maximum 3 characters Values accepted: |
Indicates the maximum number of authorisations permitted for instalment payments. |
amount |
decimal |
decimal value |
120.10 |
amount of purchase |
Required |
currencyCode |
string |
3 digit ISO 4217 |
"THB" |
currency code |
Required |
Recurring Fields format and description
Field Name | Data Type | Format | Example | Description | Requirement |
expiry | string | YYYYMMDD | “20210501” | Date after which no further authorizations shall be performed | Required, if "threeDsRequestorAuthInd" is "02" or "03" |
frequency | int | 1 - 9999 | 10 | Indicates the minimum number of days between authorizations | Required, if "threeDsRequestorAuthInd" is "02" or "03" |
Phone Fields format and description
Field Name | Data Type | Format | Example | Description | Requirement |
countryCode | String | 1–3 chars | "1" | country code of phone number | Required |
subscriber | String | max 15 chars | "1234567899" | phone number | Required |
AccountInfo Fields format and description
Field Name | Data Type | Format | Example | Description | Requirement |
chAccAgeInd |
String |
2 digit string |
NoAccount = "01", CreatedDuringThisTransaction = "02", LessThan30Days = "03", From30To60Days = "04", MoreThan60Days = "05" |
Length of time that the cardholder has had the account with the 3DS Requestor |
Optional |
chAccChange |
String |
"yyyyMMdd" |
20201224 |
Date that the cardholder’s account with the 3DS Requestor was last changed |
Optional |
chAccChangeInd |
String |
2 digit string |
DuringThisTransaction = "01", LessThan30Days = "02", From30To60Days = "03", MoreThan60Days = "04" |
Length of time since the cardholder’s account information with the 3DS Requestor was last changed |
Optional |
chAccDate |
String |
"yyyyMMdd" |
"20201224" |
Date that the cardholder opened the account with the 3DS Requestor |
Optional |
chAccPwChange |
String |
"yyyyMMdd" |
"20201224" |
Date that cardholder’s account with the 3DS Requestor had a password change or account reset |
Optional |
chAccPwChangeInd |
String |
2 digit string |
NoChange = "01", ChangedDuringThisTransaction ="02", LessThan30Days = "03", From30To60Days = "04", MoreThan60Days = "05" |
Indicates the length of time since the cardholder’s account with the 3DS Requestor had a password change |
Optional |
nbPurchaseAccount |
String |
max 4 chars |
"1234" |
Number of purchases with this cardholder account during the previous six months |
Optional |
provisionAttemptsDay |
String |
max 3 chars |
"123" |
Number of Add Card attempts in the last 24 hours |
Optional |
txnActivityDay |
String |
max 3 chars |
"123" |
Number of transactions (successful and abandoned) for this cardholder account with the 3DS Requestor across all payment accounts in the previous 24 hours |
Optional |
txnActivityYear |
String |
max 3 chars |
"123" |
Number of transactions (successful and abandoned) for this cardholder account with the 3DS Requestor across all payment accounts in the previous year |
Optional |
paymentAccAge |
String |
yyyyMMdd |
"20201224" |
Date that the payment account was enrolled in the cardholder’s account with the 3DS Requestor |
Optional |
paymentAccInd |
String |
2 digit string |
NoAccount = "01", CreatedDuringThisTransaction = "02", LessThan30Days = "03", From30To60Days = "04", MoreThan60Days = "05" |
Indicates the length of time that the payment account was enrolled in the cardholder’s account with the 3DS Requestor |
Optional |
shipAddressUsage |
String |
yyyyMMdd |
"20201224" |
Date when the shipping address used for this transaction was first used with the 3DS Requestor |
Optional |
shipAddressUsageInd |
String |
2 digit string |
DuringThisTransaction = "01", LessThan30Days = "02", From30To60Days = "03", MoreThan60Days = "04" |
Indicates when the shipping address used for this transaction was first used with the 3DS Requestor |
Optional |
shipNameIndicator |
String |
2 digit string |
AccountNameIdenticalToShippingName = "01", AccountNameDifferentToShippingName = "02" |
Indicates if the Cardholder Name on the account is identical to the shipping Name used for this transaction |
Optional |
suspiciousAccActivity |
String |
2 digit string |
NoSuspiciousActivityObserved = "01", SuspiciousActivityHasBeenObserved = "02" |
Indicates whether the 3DS Requestor has experienced suspicious activity (including previous fraud) on the cardholder account |
Optional |
AdditionalInfo Fields format and description
Field Name | Data Type | Format | Example | Description | Requirement |
accountType |
Number |
1 digit |
NotApplicable = 1, Credit = 2, Debit = 3 |
Indicates the type of account. For example, for a multi-account card product |
Optional |
authenticationMethod |
int |
1 digit |
NoAuth = 1, LoginUsingOwnCredentials = 2, LoginUsingFederatedId = 3, LoginUsingIssuerCredentials = 4, LoginUsingThirdParty = 5, LoginUsingFido = 6 |
Mechanism used by the Cardholder to authenticate to the 3DS Requestor |
Optional |
authenticationTimeStamp |
String |
yyyyMMddHHmmss |
"20200608221144" |
Date and time in UTC of the cardholder authentication |
Optional |
MerchantRiskIndicator Fields format and description
Field Name | Data Type | Format | Example | Description | Requirement |
deliveryEmailAddress |
String |
For Electronic delivery, the email address to which the merchandise was delivered |
Optional |
deliveryTimeframe |
String |
2 digit |
ElectronicDelivery = "01", SameDayShipping = "02", OvernightShipping = "03", TwoDayOrMoreShipping = "04" |
Indicates the merchandise delivery timeframe |
Optional |
giftCardAmount |
String |
max 15 chars |
"1234" |
For prepaid or gift card purchase, the purchase amount total of prepaid or gift card(s) in major units. (for example, USD 123.45 is 123) |
Optional |
giftCardCount |
String |
2 chars |
"12" |
For prepaid or gift card purchase, total count of individual prepaid or gift cards/codes purchased |
Optional |
giftCardCurr |
String |
3 chars |
"840" |
For prepaid or gift card purchase, the currency code of the card as defined in ISO 4217. |
Optional |
preOrderDate |
String |
"yyyyMMdd" |
"20201224" |
For a pre-ordered purchase, the expected date that the merchandise will be available |
Optional |
preOrderPurchaseInd |
String |
2 digit |
MerchandiseAvailable = "01", FutureAvailability = "02" |
Indicates whether Cardholder is placing an order for merchandise with a future availability or release |
Optional |
reorderItemsInd |
String |
2 digit |
FirstTimeOrdered = "01", Reordered = "02" |
Indicates whether the cardholder is reordering previously purchased merchandise |
Optional |
shipIndicator |
String |
2 digit |
ToCardholderBillingAddress = "01", ToAnotherVerifiedAddressOnFileWithMerchant = "02", ToAddressThatDifferentThanBillingAddress = "03", ShipToStore = "04", DigitalGoods = "05", TravelAndEventTickets = "06", Other = "07" |
Indicates shipping method chosen for the transaction |
Optional |
Full Request example
Request Header
POST /authentication/brw
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer xxx
Request Body
"externalReferenceId" : "9555559a72ad4-cae1-4da7-d96d3deaf",
"ddcId" : "333399a72ad4-cae1-879c-258d96d3deaf",
"acquirerCode": "3DS Requestor",
"acquirerBin": "4444411",
"session": "99a72ad4-cae1-4da7-879c-258d96d3deaf",
"threeDsRequestorAuthInd": "01",
"notificationUrl": "{URL}",
"threeDsRequestorChallengeInd": 1,
"requestFeatures": 0,
"browserInfo": {
"acceptHeader": "gzip, deflate, br;en-US,en;q=0.9",
"ip": "",
"javascriptEnabled": true,
"javaEnabled": false,
"language": "en-US",
"colorDepth": "24",
"screenHeight": "720",
"screenWidth": "1280",
"timeZone": -420,
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36 Edg/92.0.902.67"
"deviceChannel": 2,
"messageCategory": "01",
"merchantCode": "EBAY",
"merchantName": "EBAY Company 1",
"requestor": {
"id": "az0123456789",
"name": "2C2P Pte Ltd",
"url": "",
"cardholderAccountId": "04"
"billingAddress": {
"countryCode": "785",
"city": "43",
"postCode": "123321",
"line1": "3",
"line2": "4",
"line3": "4",
"state": "esf"
"shippingAddress": {
"countryCode": "785",
"city": "43",
"postCode": "123321",
"line1": "3",
"line2": "4",
"line3": "4",
"state": "esf"
"purchase": {
"date": "2021-08-07 10:29:19 ",
"amount": 100,
"currencyCode": "THB"
"card": {
"expiryDate": "2106",
"cardNumber": "4646470000000064",
"cardholderName": "Visa4646"
"email": "string",
"homePhone": {
"countryCode": "123",
"subscriber": "123456789"
"mobilePhone": {
"countryCode": "123",
"subscriber": "123456789"
"workPhone": {
"countryCode": "123",
"subscriber": "123456789"
"accountInfo": {
"accountAgeIndicator": "05",
"accountChangeDate": "20210809",
"accountChangeDateIndicator": "04",
"accountDate": "20210809",
"accountPasswordChangeDate": "20210809",
"accountPasswordChangeDateIndicator": "05",
"accountPurchaseNumber": "1",
"provisionAttemptsDay": "1",
"txnActivityDay": "1",
"txnActivityYear": "1",
"paymentAccountAge": "20210809",
"paymentAccountAgeIndicator": "string",
"shippingAddressUsageDate": "20210809",
"shippingAddressUsageDateIndicator": "04",
"shipNameIndicator": "01",
"suspiciousAccountActivity": "01"
"additionalAccountInfo": {
"accountType": "00",
"authenticationMethod": "04",
"authenticationTimeStamp": "202108090235"
"merchantRiskInfo": {
"deliveryEmailAddress": "[email protected]",
"deliveryTimeframe": "02",
"giftCardAmount": "1",
"giftCardCount": "01",
"giftCardCurr": "840",
"preOrderDate": "20210809",
"preOrderPurchaseInd": "02",
"reorderItemsInd": "01",
"shipIndicator": "01"
Field Name | Data Type | Required | Format | Example | Description |
challengeHtml |
String |
HTML with form, which contains Base64Url encoded initial CReq. This is optional for 3DS Requestor. 3DS Requestor will use only the hostedChallengeUrl field. |
version |
String |
10 chars |
This field contains the 3DS version that was used to process the transaction. |
Message Protocol version |
hostedChallengeUrl |
String |
Y |
The fully qualified URL that the client uses to post the cardholder in order to complete the Consumer Authentication transaction for 2c2p 3dss challenge page API integration. |
dsTransId |
String |
"91147cb8-d836-44e0-a1cc-b8e25040297f", |
DS transaction id |
acsTransId |
String |
Y |
"f38f4639-b820-4dbb-91af-6643f997bd69", |
ACS transaction id |
threeDsServerTransId |
String |
Y |
"3dc1a061-ca59-4c87-b104-3d2bd04ed3e5" |
3DS Server transaction id |
status |
String |
Y |
1 char |
Transactions status result identifier. Possible Values: Y - Successful Authentication N - Failed Authentication / Account Not Verified / Transaction Denied U - Unable to Complete Authentication A - Successful Attempts Transaction C** - Challenge Required for Authentication R** - Authentication Rejected (Merchant must not submit for authorization) D - Challenge Required; Decoupled Authentication confirmed. I - Informational Only; 3DS Requestor challenge preference acknowledged. NOTE:Statuses of C and R only apply to Consumer authentication 2.0. Decoupled authentication is not supported at this time. |
Status of the authentication. If the status is “C”, 3DS Requestor should redirect to the hosted challenge URL. |
authenticationValue |
String |
28 chars |
Proof of authentication
eci |
String |
Y |
2 chars |
“05” |
Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI)
00 or 07 - Non 3-D Secure Transaction Mastercard - 02, 01, 00 VISA - 05, 06, 07 AMEX - 05, 06, 07 JCB - 05, 06, 07 DINERS CLUB - 05, 06, 07 Union Pay International: 05, 06, 07 |
cardScheme |
String |
Card brand that the transaction was processed for authentication. |
cardBin |
String |
Card bin represents the first six numbers of the CardNumber field passed in on the cmpi_lookup request. |
externalReferenceId |
String |
Y |
Unique ID from the merchant level. Merchant Reference Number. |
StatusReason |
String |
Y |
Provides additional information as to why the PAResStatus has the specific value. |
acsReferenceNumber |
String |
Y |
Unique identifier assigned by the EMVCo Secretariat upon Testing and Approval. |
acsOperatorId |
String |
Y |
DS assigned ACS identifier. |
authenticationType |
String |
2 digit |
Indicates the type of authentication that will be used to challenge the card holder. Possible Values: 01 - Static 02 - Dynamic 03 - OOB (Out of Band) 04 - Decoupled NOTE: EMV® 3-D Secure version 2.1.0 supports values 01-03. Version 2.2.0 supports values 01-04. Decoupled authentication is not supported at this time. |
Optional |
BrowserThreeDomainMessage – Challenge
"challengeHtml": "<iframe id="ChallengeResponse" srcdoc="<html><head></head><body>
<form name='creqForm' method='POST' action='{URL}'>
<input type='hidden' name='creq'
dlVmVyc2lvbiI6IjIuMS4wIn0' />
<script type='text/javascript'>document.creqForm.submit();</script>
</body></html>" style="width:600px; height: 400px; border:none; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.21) 0 0 10px 0px">
"status": "C",
"threeDsServerTransId": "3dc1a061-ca59-4c87-b104-3d2bd04ed3e5",
"version": "2.1.0",
"cardScheme" : " ",
"cardBin" : " ",
"externalReferenceId" : " ",
"statusReason" : " ",
"acsReferenceNumber" : " ",
"acsOperatorId" : " "
BrowserThreeDomainMessage - Frictionless
"status": "Y",
"authenticationValue": "AJkBAZcCNgAAD0JAdkI5dJYnSBk=",
"dsTransId": "7acc0f07-67dd-4e7a-b914-f84c58f4d77c",
"acsTransId": "681b9e9f-04bc-4a99-9947-6b1c31ad1b30",
"threeDsServerTransId": "77372bf8-a8ea-48b9-9459-7b20790a98a5",
"version": "2.1.0",
"cardScheme" : " ",
"cardBin" : " ",
"externalReferenceId" : " ",
"statusReason" : " ",
"acsReferenceNumber" : " ",
"acsOperatorId" : " "
Response (if transaction is in error)
Field Name | Data Type | Format | Example | Description |
status |
String |
1 char |
"U" - authentication failed |
Transactions status result identifier. Possible Values: U - Unable to Complete Authentication A - Successful Attempts Transaction C** - Challenge Required for Authentication R** - Authentication Rejected (Merchant must not submit for authorization) |
error |
String |
255 varchar |
"2.0 is not supported for this card" |
Error Description |
errorCode |
String |
4 chars |
"A002" |
Error code |
emvErrorCode |
String |
3 characters |
Code indicating the type of problem identified in the message. |
Required in Message Error |
emvErrorComponent |
String |
1 character |
Code indicating the 3-D Secure component that identified the error. |
Required in Message Error |
emvErrorDescription |
String |
2048 characters |
Text describing the problem identified in the message. |
Required in Message Error |
emvErrorDetail |
String |
2048 characters |
Additional detail regarding the problem identified in the message. |
Required in Message Error |
"status": "string",
"error": "string",
"errorCode": "string",
"emvError": {
"emvErrorCode": "string",
"emvErrorComponent": "string",
"emvErrorDescription": "string",
"emvErrorDetail": "string"}
Updated about 1 month ago