API Response Code

PACO Response Code

PACO Business Response/Error Code

Error CodeDescription
PC-B??9999Undefined Business Error
PC-B010301Unable to generate new 2C2P Invoice No.
PC-B010302Cannot generate new 2C2P Invoice No. The maximum possible value for the prefix was reached.
PC-B011003Promocode test is already in use. It cannot be deleted unless all dependencies are removed.
PC-B050000Payment Successful
PC-B050001Payment is pending
PC-B050002Payment is pending on external party
PC-B050004Invalid order number
PC-B050005Invalid amount
PC-B050006Invalid currency code
PC-B050007Invalid card number
PC-B050008Invalid CVV code
PC-B050009Invalid expiry date of card
PC-B050010Cannot find available route for this payment transaction. Please check Payment Routing configuration and/or availability of following PSP.
PC-B050011Invalid store card details
PC-B050012Invalid payment category
PC-B050013Payment is not found
PC-B050014Invalid recurring payment plan (RPP)
PC-B050015Invalid API request details
PC-B050016Invalid request date time
PC-B050017Invalid request message id
PC-B050018Invalid notification URLs
PC-B050019Invalid MCP flag
PC-B050020MCP transaction expected to have different currency for transactionAmount and settlementAmount.
PC-B050020Unable to get fx rates
PC-B050021Invalid product description
PC-B050022Invalid issuer bank country
PC-B050023Duplicate payment
PC-B050024Original transaction amount is required for MCP transaction
PC-B050025No payment Metadata found
PC-B050026Invalid reference number in purchase item
PC-B050027Invalid relationship value in purchase item
PC-B050028Unable to get terminal id
PC-B0500303DS authentication failed
PC-B050031Authorization failed
PC-B050032Call to acquirer failed
PC-B050033Duplicate payment
PC-B050034Invalid recurring payment plan request. Cannot create a future recurring payment plan by API.
PC-B050035No payment routings found that matches payment conditions
PC-B050036Couldn't match any PSP profile
PC-B050037Unable to identify 3ds enforcement
PC-B050038RPP plan already exists with more than recurred count. Plan cannot be updated if it is recurred once.
PC-B050039Invalid Local Maker data
PC-B050040Invalid refund amount. Refund amount cannot be negative or more than refundable amount.
PC-B050041Invalid refund item. Reference Number should be unique and not-empty in refund item.
PC-B050042Invalid refund request. Itemized refund request feature is not available for this company.
PC-B050043Invalid settlement amount. Settlement amount is more than transaction amount.
PC-B050044Invalid settlement amount. Settlement amount is in correct format.
PC-B050045Transaction is not approved yet and cannot be voided.
PC-B050046Failed transaction cannot be voided.
PC-B050047Transaction has already been settled and cannot be voided, use Refund instead.
PC-B050048Refunded or voided transaction cannot be voided.
PC-B050049Transaction cannot be voided.
PC-B050050Ticket issuing failed
PC-B050051Requested void amount mismatch with possible authorized transaction amount.
PC-B050052Invalid refund items' amount. Refund items' amount cannot be more than refundable amount.
PC-B050053Transaction cannot be refunded.
PC-B050054Bank account details are required. Bank Account info cannot be empty.
PC-B050055Transaction using auto settlement cannot manual settled before cut off time. Check settlement model of its PSP.
PC-B050056Failed transaction cannot be settled.
PC-B050057Transaction has already been settled, cannot be re-settled.
PC-B050058Transaction has been voided, cannot be settled.
PC-B050059ACS timeout.
PC-B050060Cannot void transactions during settlement process.
PC-B050061Payment has been expired and rejected
PC-B050062Corporate BIN rejected
PC-B050063Payment with credit card is not available.
PC-B050064Invalid channel code
PC-B050065Invalid ECI value.
PC-B050066Invalid refund number.
PC-B050067Invalid checker data. Checker cannot be empty.
PC-B050068 Transaction is not approved yet and cannot be settled.
PC-B050069Action is not allowed
PC-B050070Invalid card issuing country
PC-B050071Invalid bank name
PC-B050072 Transaction has been refunded, cannot be settled.
PC-B050073Transaction cannot be settled.
PC-B050074Partial settlement for IPP is forbidden.
PC-B050075MPI authentication error. 
PC-B050076Invalid authentication 3DS Version.
PC-B050077The payment transaction has been exceeded the processing time limit and rejected.
PC-B050080More than one transaction found by provided parameters. Try to adjust the request to match a single transaction.
PC-B050081Transaction is in wrong status and cannot be cancelled.
PC-B050082Payment object is null
PC-B050083Required airline data {$Field Name} for payment.
PC-B050084Required data {$Field Name} for payment.
PC-B050085Invalid cardholder and/or payer name. These fields allow only English alphabet and space.
PC-B050086Required payer name data for payment.
PC-B050087Invalid purchase items
PC-B050088Invalid or missing API key
PC-B050089Cardholder name cannot be entirely numeric
PC-B050090This payment link is used more than allocated number of payments
PC-B050091This payment link is expired
PC-B050092Cannot find available payment channels or agent for this payment transaction. Please check payment channels or agent configuration.
PC-B050093Mismatch decimal places and/or currency code. The decimal point is based on the currency exponent in ISO4217.
PC-B050095Unable to read payment request
PC-B050096Invalid refund request. The refund API feature is not available for this company.
PC-B050097Surcharge fee mismatch
PC-B050098Invalid Surcharge API response
PC-B050099Invalid Surcharge Configuration.
PC-B050101Company is unavailable
PC-B050405Office under maintenance
PC-B050406Office is unavailable.
PC-B050407Store card option is disabled in office.
PC-B050410Invalid office profile
PC-B050411Office ID is not applicable for RPP. Manual settlement is not supported. Check its settlement model.
PC-B050501Invalid office group
PC-B050502Invalid office group for specified office
PC-B050910Payment was explicitly abandoned by payer before it can be finished. The payment is now cancelled.
PC-B051010Invalid Promotion Code
PC-B051011Cannot delete this promotion code due to its prior utilization in the installment plan setup
PC-B051105PSP under maintenance
PC-B051110PSP profile is not valid
PC-B051120Do Not Honor
PC-B051308No IPP option available for PSP profile
PC-B051401Invalid payment type
PC-B051402Payment type not support
PC-B051408Source of fund is not found for this payment type
PC-B051800{$Field Name} : Value {$Value} is not valid for {$Field Type} type.
PC-B051910Return URL is not set
PC-B051920Fraud rejected
PC-B051921Suspected fraud
PC-B051922Fraud timeout
PC-B051930Invalid IPP field value
PC-B051931No IPP plans available for the transaction amount.
PC-B051932Provided card not applicable for this plan as BIN not match promotion code
PC-B051933Payment amount does not meet minimum amount for chosen plan
PC-B051934 IPP is applicable only for Credit Cards
PC-B051935No IPP option available
PC-B051936The IPP parameters provide do not enough to differentiate Bank Promotion Code and Bank Product Code. You may try again by providing more parameters such as Interest Type.
PC-B051937Invalid Plan Group
PC-B051938Invalid Bank Product Code
PC-B051939Invalid Email Address
PC-B051940Card type is not allowed
PC-B051941Invalid installment plan when call Non-UI request
PC-B051942Invalid Plan Name
PC-B051943Invalid IPP Start Datetime or End Datetime
PC-B051944Payment amount does not meet maximum amount for chosen plan
PC-B051945Invalid IPP Installment Period field value
PC-B051946Invalid IPP Interest Type field value
PC-B052010Invalid merchant profile
PC-B052011Unable to create merchant profile. This profile is a duplicate of an existing merchant profile.
PC-B052020Stored card option is disabled
PC-B052030Installment payment is disabled
PC-B052101Invalid QuickPay
PC-B052102Maximum possible transaction number reached with current QuickPay
PC-B052201Order Number is not valid or does not exist
PC-B052302Transaction is cancelled
PC-B052303System error
PC-B052304Transaction in progress
PC-B052305Transaction not found
PC-B052306Failed To Inquiry
PC-B052307Refer to card issuer
PC-B052308Refer to issuer's special conditions
PC-B052309Invalid merchant ID
PC-B052310Pick up card
PC-B052311Do not honor
PC-B052313Pick up card, special condition
PC-B052314Honor with ID
PC-B052315Request in progress
PC-B052316Partial amount approved
PC-B052317Approved VIP
PC-B052318Invalid Transaction
PC-B052319Invalid Amount
PC-B052320Invalid Card Number
PC-B052321No such issuer
PC-B052322Approved, Update Track 3
PC-B052323Customer Cancellation
PC-B052324Customer Dispute
PC-B052325Re-enter Transaction
PC-B052326Invalid Response
PC-B052327No Action Taken
PC-B052328Suspected Malfunction
PC-B052329Unacceptable Transaction Fee
PC-B052330File Update Not Supported by Receiver
PC-B052331Unable to Locate Record on File
PC-B052332Duplicate File Update Record
PC-B052333File Update Field Edit Error
PC-B052334File Update File Locked Out
PC-B052335File Update not Successful
PC-B052336Format Error
PC-B052337Bank Not Supported by Switch
PC-B052338Completed Partially
PC-B052339Expired Card - Pick Up
PC-B052340Suspected Fraud - Pick Up
PC-B052341Restricted Card - Pick Up
PC-B052342Allowable PIN Tries Exceeded
PC-B052343No Credit Account
PC-B052344Allowable PIN Tries Exceeded
PC-B052345No Credit Account
PC-B052346Requested Function not Supported
PC-B052347Lost Card - Pick Up
PC-B052348No Universal Amount
PC-B052349Stolen Card - Pick Up
PC-B052350No Investment Account
PC-B052351Settlement Success
PC-B052352Settlement Fail
PC-B052353Cancel Success
PC-B052354Cancel Fail
PC-B052355No Transaction Reference Number
PC-B052356Host Down
PC-B052357Insufficient Funds
PC-B052358No Cheque Account
PC-B052359No Savings Account
PC-B052360Expired Card
PC-B052361Incorrect PIN
PC-B052362No Card Record
PC-B052363Transaction Not Permitted to Cardholder
PC-B052364Transaction Not Permitted to Terminal
PC-B052365Suspected Fraud
PC-B052366Card Acceptor Contact Acquirer
PC-B052367Exceeds Withdrawal Amount Limits
PC-B052368Restricted Card
PC-B052369Security Violation
PC-B052370Original Amount Incorrect
PC-B052371Exceeds Withdrawal Frequency Limit
PC-B052372Card Acceptor Call Acquirer Security
PC-B052373Hard Capture - Pick Up Card at ATM
PC-B052374Response Received Too Late
PC-B052376Settle amount cannot exceed authorized amount
PC-B052377Inquiry Record Not Exist
PC-B052378Promotion not allowed in current payment method
PC-B052379Promotion Limit Reached
PC-B052381Allowable PIN Tries Exceeded
PC-B052382Invalid Credit Card Format
PC-B052383Invalid Expiry Date Format
PC-B052384Invalid Three Digits Format
PC-B052386User Cancellation by Closing Internet Browser
PC-B052387Unable to Authenticate Card Holder
PC-B052389PEA Payment Expired
PC-B052390PEV Payment Expired
PC-B052391PER Payment Expired
PC-B052392ATM Malfunction
PC-B052393No Envelope Inserted
PC-B052394Unable to Dispense
PC-B052395Administration Error
PC-B052396Cut-off in Progress
PC-B052397Issuer or Switch is Inoperative
PC-B052398Financial Institution Not Found
PC-B052399Payment Expiry
PC-B052400Duplicate Transmission
PC-B052401Reconcile Error
PC-B052402System Malfunction
PC-B052403Reconciliation Totals Reset
PC-B052404MAC Error
PC-B052405Unable to Complete Payment
PC-B052408Refund Rejected
PC-B052409Refund Failed
PC-B052411Chargeback Rejected
PC-B052412Chargeback Failed
PC-B052413Transaction Does Not Exist
PC-B052414Tokenization Successful
PC-B052415Tokenization Failed
PC-B052416Invalid Customer Token
PC-B052418Invalid Message
PC-B052419Invalid Profile (Merchant) ID
PC-B052420Duplicated Invoice
PC-B052421Invalid Amount
PC-B052422Insufficient Balance
PC-B052423Invalid Currency Code
PC-B052424Payment Expired
PC-B052425Payment Canceled By Payer
PC-B052426Invalid Payee ID
PC-B052427Invalid Customer ID
PC-B052428Account Does Not Exist
PC-B052429Authentication Failed
PC-B052430Customer paid more than transaction amount
PC-B052431Customer paid less than transaction amount
PC-B052432Paid Expired
PC-B052434No-Action From WEBPAY
PC-B052435Internal Error
PC-B052436Invalid Transaction
PC-B052437Invalid request message
PC-B052438Required Payload
PC-B052439Invalid JWT data
PC-B052440Required merchant ID
PC-B052441Required payment channel
PC-B052442Required auth code
PC-B052443Invalid merchant ID
PC-B052444Invalid payment channel
PC-B052445payment channel is not configured
PC-B052446Unable to retrieve user token
PC-B052447Invalid Transaction
PC-B052448The value is not valid
PC-B052449Some mandatory fields are missing
PC-B052450This field exceeded its authorized length
PC-B052451Invalid merchant
PC-B052452Invalid payment expiry
PC-B052453Amount is invalid
PC-B052454Invalid Currency Code
PC-B052455Payment item name is required
PC-B052456Payment item quantity is required
PC-B052457Payment item amount is required
PC-B052458Existing Invoice Number
PC-B052459Failed to retrieve payment instruction
PC-B052460Payment Instruction not available
PC-B052461Payment failed
PC-B052462Merchant configuration is missing
PC-B052463Failed To Generate Token
PC-B052464The merchant frontend URL is missing
PC-B052465The token is invalid
PC-B052466Payment token already used
PC-B052467Hash value mismatch
PC-B052468Payment options are invalid
PC-B052469Payment channel invalid
PC-B052470Payment channel unauthorized
PC-B052471Payment channel unconfigured
PC-B052472Promotion code does not exist
PC-B052473Tokenization not allowed
PC-B052474SubMerchant is required
PC-B052475Duplicated SubMerchant
PC-B052476SubMerchant Not Found
PC-B052477Invalid Sub Merchant ID
PC-B052478Invalid Sub Merchant invoiceNo
PC-B052479Existing Sub Merchant Invoice Number
PC-B052480Invalid Sub Merchant Amount
PC-B052481Sub Merchant Amount mismatch
PC-B052482FxRateId and OriginalAmount are required
PC-B052483Not allow to make a payment with Fx
PC-B052484FxRate not available
PC-B052485Invalid amount. (for the transaction which using the FxRateId)
PC-B052486Invalid Country Code (Airline Info)
PC-B052487Invalid Currency Code (Airline Info)
PC-B052488Invalid Loyalty Redeem Amount
PC-B052489Invalid Loyalty Provider
PC-B052490Duplicated Loyalty Reward Id
PC-B052491Required Loyalty's External Merchant Id
PC-B052492Failed to Inquiry Loyalty Rewards
PC-B052493Unable to decrypt the payload
PC-B052494Invalid invoicePrefix
PC-B052495allowAccumulate is required
PC-B052496maxAccumulateAmount is required
PC-B052497recurringInterval or ChargeOnDate is required
PC-B052498recurringCount is required
PC-B052499recurringInterval or ChargeOnDate is required
PC-B052500Invalid ChargeNextDate
PC-B052501Invalid ChargeOnDate
PC-B052502chargeNextDate is required
PC-B052503Request to merchant front end has failed
PC-B052504Request merchant secure has failed
PC-B052505Request payment secure has failed
PC-B052506An unknown error has occured
PC-B052507Request DB service has failed
PC-B052508Request payment service has failed
PC-B052509Request Qwik service has failed
PC-B052510Request user preferences has failed
PC-B052511Request store card has failed
PC-B052512Request to merchant backend has failed
PC-B053201Required data {$Field Name} for batch schedule payment.
PC-B053501Success – Refund disbursement success
PC-B053502Success – Refund request accepted
PC-B053503Rejected – Refund request rejected from Bank
PC-B053504Invalid Merchant
PC-B053505Invalid Request ID
PC-B053506Duplicate Request ID
PC-B053507Invalid UTR
PC-B053508Invalid Refund Date
PC-B053509Invalid Amount
PC-B053510Invalid Beneficiary Name
PC-B053511Invalid Beneficiary Account No
PC-B053512Invalid Beneficiary Bank Code 
PC-B053513Invalid Beneficiary Mobile No
PC-B053514Invalid User Defined Property
PC-B053515Cannot Find Refund Provider
PC-B053516Merchant doesn’t have enabled refund
PC-B053517Insufficient Balance
PC-B053518Invalid Request
PC-B053519Invalid Id Card
PC-B053520Invalid SOF Profile
PC-B053521Invalid Beneficiary Id
PC-B053522Invalid Registered Beneficiary Status
PC-B053523Invalid Company Id
PC-B053524Invalid Regency Code
PC-B053525Invalid Beneficiary Email Address
PC-B053526Invalid Notification URL
PC-B053527Rejected (Refunded)
PC-B053528Duplicate UTR
PC-B053529Invalid Passport Number
PC-B053530Invalid Army/Police Number
PC-B053531Duplicate Beneficiary Entry
PC-B053532Invalid Preferred Provider 
PC-B053533Invalid Account Status
PC-B053534Invalid Account Type
PC-B053535Success – Refund beneficiary registration accepted
PC-B053536Rejected – Refund beneficiary registration rejected
PC-B053537Duplicate beneficiary registration
PC-B053538Success – Refund beneficiary registration success
PC-B053539Refund malfunction
PC-B053540Refund timeout error
PC-B053541Internal Server Error
PC-B053542Interface Error
PC-B053543Customer Refund Not Found
PC-B053544Refund Not Found
PC-B053545Merchant Not Found
PC-B053546Batch File Content Incorrect
PC-B053547Cannot Read File
PC-B053548File Has No Content
PC-B053549File Has Missing Fields or Wrong Content
PC-B053550Incorrect File Name
PC-B053551Incorrect File Size
PC-B053552Duplicate Transaction Id
PC-B053553Bank Codes Not Exist
PC-B053554Incorrect File Extension
PC-B053555PACO cannot send refund email to payer
PC-B053556Refund Cancelled
PC-B053557Refund pending to review
PC-B053558Refund Link has been expired
PC-B053559Invalid Refund Link Expiry
PC-B053560The refund amount is invalid. It cannot be negative or greater than the refundable amount.
PC-B053561The refund has been rejected by the refund reviewer
PC-B053562PACO cannot send refund status email to payer
PC-B053563This refund request has been submitted successfully and is pending for external party review.
PC-B053599Exceptional Error
PC-B053601Invalid Web Payment URL Response
PC-B054030Unable to refund more than transaction amount.
PC-B054040Refund amount is more than transaction amount.
PC-B054041Refund not allowed.
PC-B054042Refund pending.
PC-B054043Partial refund not allowed.
PC-B054044Refund rejected.
PC-B054045Refund failed.
PC-B054046Insufficient funds to perform refund.
PC-B054047Sub Merchant refund amount is more than transaction amount.
PC-B054048Sub merchant has insufficient funds to perform refund.
PC-B054054Refund exceeded allowable timeframe.
PC-B054099Unable to complete the request.
PC-B054100Payment success but not completed yet. Please finish your payment via selected payment channel later.
PC-B054101Suspected fraud.
PC-B054102Suspected fraud with full address verification service match.
PC-B054103Suspected fraud with partial Address verification service match.
PC-B054104Suspected fraud with address verification service match failed.
PC-B054105Unsuccessful fraud check.
PC-B054106Payment success but not completed yet. Please finish your payment via selected payment channel later.
PC-B054107Payment success but not completed yet. Please finish your payment via selected payment channel later.
PC-B054108Payment success but not completed yet. Please finish your payment via selected payment channel later.
PC-B054109Payment success but not completed yet. Please finish your payment via selected payment channel later.
PC-B054110Payment success but not completed yet. Please finish your payment via selected payment channel later.
PC-B054111Payment success but not completed yet. Please finish your payment via selected payment channel later.
PC-B054112Payment success but not completed yet. Please finish your payment via selected payment channel later.
PC-B054113Payment success but not completed yet. Please finish your payment via selected payment channel later.
PC-B054114Payment success but not completed yet. Please finish your payment via selected payment channel later.
PC-B054115Payment success but not completed yet. Please finish your payment via selected payment channel later.
PC-B054116Payment success but not completed yet. Please finish your payment via selected payment channel later.
PC-B054117Payment success but not completed yet. Please finish your payment via selected payment channel later.
PC-B054118Available balance is provided in the amount transaction field of the response.
PC-B054120Payment Failed. Card number is not issued or expired card or credit limit exceeded.
PC-B054121Payment Failed. Expiry Date does not match.
PC-B054122Payment Failed. Expiry Date does not match and postal code not on file.
PC-B054123Payment Failed. Expiry date does not match and address failed.
PC-B054124Payment Failed. Expiry date does not match and postal code failed.
PC-B054125Payment Failed. Expiry date does not match and Address Verification Service failed.
PC-B054126Payment Failed. Expiry date does not match, address failed and postal code not on file.
PC-B054127Payment Failed. Expiry date does not match and Address Verification Service not on file.
PC-B054128Payment Failed. Expiry date does not match and Address Verification Service format incorrect.
PC-B054129Invalid Merchant ID.
PC-B054130Invalid Card number.
PC-B054131Card number begins with number other than .
PC-B054132Check for digit is failed.
PC-B054133Too few digits.
PC-B054134Invalid or missing Expiry Date
PC-B054135Format error or Expiry Date is less than current date.
PC-B054136Card issuer unavailable and response was not received.
PC-B054137Invalid currency code.
PC-B054138No matching inquiry for void.
PC-B054139Invalid card acceptor identification code.
PC-B054140Invalid transaction originator code.
PC-B054141Invalid travel agency name.
PC-B054142The selected source of fund cannot be updated as it's currently utilized in a PSP profile (either PACO or UATP).
PC-B054200Payment Success
PC-B054201Mcp message ID is missing.
PC-B054202Preferred mcp type does not match with mcpType of MCPDetails.
PC-B054203Preferred mcp type is missing.
PC-B054204Transaction amount and original transaction amount must match for the same currency.
PC-B054205Converted transaction amount does not match the original transaction amount.
PC-B054206Original transaction amount is required.
PC-B054207Currency list should not be empty.
PC-B054401Sub Merchant is required.
PC-B054402Duplicated Sub Merchant.
PC-B054403Sub Merchant Not Found.
PC-B054404Invalid Sub Merchant ID.
PC-B054405Purchase items must not be empty
PC-B054501Invalid custom fields with empty, duplicate or incorrect custom field name
PC-B054502Invalid Country Code. The country code should be three-digit code.
PC-B054503Purchase item description must not be empty.
PC-B054504Sub merchant amount and main transaction amount are mismatched.
PC-B054505Purchase item price must not be empty.
PC-B054506Settlement items amount does not match the provided settlement amount.
PC-B054507Refund items amount does not match the provided refund amount.
PC-B054508Invalid account number.
PC-B054509Account number is required.
PC-B054510APM options cannot be selected for transactions with Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC). Please select a different payment method.
PC-B054511IPP options cannot be selected for DCC transactions. Please choose a different payment method.
PC-B054512Itemized options are not available for transactions using Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC).
PC-B055101DDC Token Request Failed: {$Field Name} : Value {$Value} is not valid.
PC-B070010Changing payment state of this transaction is impossible according to Payment State Diagram in used. State Diagram is <0>. As-is state is <1>. To-be state is <2>.
PC-B100101At least one method must be enabled for 1st factor
PC-B100102At least one method must be enabled for 2nd factor
PC-B1001032nd factor setup is required by company
PC-B100004Same login method can't be set for both 1st and 2nd factor

PACO Technical Response/Error Code

Error CodeDescription
PC-T??9999Undefined Technical Error
PC-T012701File was not added to request.
PC-T012702File name is empty or whitespace.
PC-T012703File size is too big.
PC-T012704File type is not allowed.
PC-T040010Cannot find active Payment Flow or State Flow associated with this company. Please check Company Payment Flow setup. Company Code is 0.
PC-T050001System error
PC-T050002System DB error
PC-T050010Cannot generate new 2C2P Invoice No. (EP number). The maximum possible value for the prefix was reached.
PC-T050020Cannot find any route for this payment transaction. Please check Payment Routing configuration. Transaction ID=0, Office ID=1
PC-T051901API authentication failed
PC-T051902Invalid http request method
PC-T051903Invalid request
PC-T051904Unable to decrypt request
PC-T051905Missing mandatory fields
PC-T051906Invalid field length. Field name=0
PC-T051907Invalid field value
PC-T051908No public key is set
PC-T051910Session is expired
PC-T051911Duplicated request
PC-T055103Payment authentication service error
PC-T115404Invalid public key. Please update public key and proceed with encrypting the data using the new key.
PC-T115405Unable to decrypt the request. Please check the decryption parameters or format.
PC-T125101Invalid request.
PC-T125102Unable to retrieve the configuration.
PC-T125103The OTP feature is disabled.
PC-T125104The user's account does not exist.
PC-T125105Unable to proceed due to the user's account is blocked.
PC-T125106The maximum number of OTP requests has been reached and the user's account has been blocked.
PC-T125107The action 0 is unavailable.
PC-T125108An issue occurred while performing an action in the Redis cache.
PC-T125109An issue occurred while calling the 0.
PC-T125110The OTP has expired.
PC-T125111The OTP is incorrect.
PC-T125112Unable to retrieve user authentication data from the session.
PC-T999998Value <value> is not valid for <domaintype> type. Mismatch of domain type and actual value. If the value is string-based try sending null value instead of empty string.