Payment Status

Payment Status

Payment status will be returned under paymentStatusInfo of Payment API response and also Inquiry API. It can also checked on Admin Portal under Transaction List/Details screens.

Status CodeStatus NameDescription
PCPSPre-stagePayment transaction just created. Payer may presented with Payment Page. Payer still entering payment details and not proceed with the payment completion yet.
IInitialPayer finish data entry and complete the payment. The actual act of payment is now started. The payment transaction is subjected to payment authentication and authorization process.
AApprovedPayment result is success. The transaction can subsequently voided or settled later. Note that these two statues are mutually exclusive.
VVoidedThe transaction is voided
SSettledThe transaction is settled. Settled transaction can then be refunded.
RRefundThe transaction is refunding (for company with refund review process) or refunded
PPending PaymentPayment that completed by payer but cannot approved yet will be on pending status. This status only relevant for Pay Later journey.
FRejectedThe payment is rejected by system or acquiring host.
EExpiredThe payment is expired due to it take longer than allowed gap time
CCancelledThe payment is cancelled by payer.